• mediaType:Cheat Sheets
Common Eye Emergencies with Differential Diagnosis Cheat Sheet

Common Eye Emergencies with Differential Diagnosis Cheat Sheet

Alison Bozung, OD, FAAO

16 min read
Acute TBI in the Optometry Practice with Cheat Sheet
Clinical Guides

Acute TBI in the Optometry Practice with Cheat Sheet

Cindy Hui, OD

18 min read
Visual Pathway Lesions and Corresponding Visual Field Defects with Download
Clinical Guides

Visual Pathway Lesions and Corresponding Visual Field Defects with Download

Farhaad Rasool

10 min read
How to Study for the OKAP with Downloadable Study Schedule

How to Study for the OKAP with Downloadable Study Schedule

Alanna James, MD

5 min read
Dry AMD Treatments: An Ophthalmology Resident's Guide

Dry AMD Treatments: An Ophthalmology Resident's Guide

Sergio Karageuzian, BS, Mark Shokralla, BA, Harris Ahmed DO, MPH, et al.

51 min read
How to Perform an Optometry Exam for Patients on the Autism Spectrum with Cheat Sheet
Clinical Guides

How to Perform an Optometry Exam for Patients on the Autism Spectrum with Cheat Sheet

Sasha Patel, OD

12 min read
Back to the Basics: A Guide to Glaucoma Medications

Back to the Basics: A Guide to Glaucoma Medications

Patricia Fulmer, OD, FAAO, Huda Minhas, OD

12 min read
A Guide to Corneal Topography with Cheat Sheet
Clinical Guides

A Guide to Corneal Topography with Cheat Sheet

Alanna Nattis, DO, FAAO

8 min read
Guide to Common Macula Findings with OCT with Downloadable Cheat Sheet
Clinical Guides

Guide to Common Macula Findings with OCT with Downloadable Cheat Sheet

Deepon Kar, OD

11 min read
Grading Ocular Inflammation and Uveitis with the SUN Criteria Plus Cheat Sheet
Clinical Guides

Grading Ocular Inflammation and Uveitis with the SUN Criteria Plus Cheat Sheet

Haroon Rasheed, Edmund Tsui, MD

8 min read
Anti-VEGF Therapy: An Ophthalmology Resident's Guide

Anti-VEGF Therapy: An Ophthalmology Resident's Guide

Mark Shokralla, BA, Sergio Karageuzian, BS, Harris Ahmed DO, MPH, et al.

15 min read
Assessing a Pediatric Patient for Contact Lens Readiness
Cornea & Contact Lens

Assessing a Pediatric Patient for Contact Lens Readiness

Tiffany Yanase Park, OD

10 min read
Nutraceutical Medical Foods—with Cheat Sheet

Nutraceutical Medical Foods—with Cheat Sheet

Kristin White, OD

11 min read
Ocular Toxicity of Oncology Treatments: Keeping An Eye Out

Ocular Toxicity of Oncology Treatments: Keeping An Eye Out

Adil Ahmed, DO

13 min read
Differential Diagnosis for a Pigmented Fundus Lesion with Downloadable Cheat Sheet
Clinical Guides

Differential Diagnosis for a Pigmented Fundus Lesion with Downloadable Cheat Sheet

Harris Ahmed DO, MPH, David RP Almeida, MD, MBA, PhD, Eric K Chin, MD

24 min read
How to Approach Infectious Corneal Ulcers—with Downloadable Cheat Sheet
Bacterial & Viral Infections

How to Approach Infectious Corneal Ulcers—with Downloadable Cheat Sheet

Kristin White, OD

10 min read
How To Diagnose Red Eye - with Downloadable Flowchart
Clinical Guides

How To Diagnose Red Eye - with Downloadable Flowchart

Amrita Kaur, OD

12 min read
Here's the Easiest Way to Test for an Afferent Pupillary Defect
Clinical Guides

Here's the Easiest Way to Test for an Afferent Pupillary Defect

Irina Yakubin, OD

6 min read
How To Diagnose Anisocoria—with Downloadable Flowchart!
Clinical Guides

How To Diagnose Anisocoria—with Downloadable Flowchart!

Amrita Kaur, OD

11 min read
How to Fit Multifocal Contact Lenses - with Downloadable Cheat Sheet
Clinical Guides

How to Fit Multifocal Contact Lenses - with Downloadable Cheat Sheet

Cindy Shan, OD

5 min read