Zurriat Syed, MS
Zurriat Syed is a medical student at Lincoln Memorial University DeBusk College of Osteopathic Medicine. She is a graduate of University of California, Berkeley with a bachelor’s degree in molecular cell biology and a master’s in science.
A Clinical Guide to Entropion
Featuring clinical images, this article outlines approaches available to eyecare practitioners to promptly diagnose and treat entropion.
A Clinical Guide to Ectropion
Review the different types of ectropion, how eyecare practitioners can evaluate patients for ectropion, and available medical and surgical interventions.
Pterygium vs Pinguecula: What to Know and How to Treat
Pterygium and pinguecula are ocular surface disorders that eyecare professionals will likely come across in their practices. Learn to identify, diagnose, and create treatment plans for these conditions.
Suspicious Choroidal Lesions: Identifying Melanoma
To decrease the risk of growth and potential metastasis, diagnosis between benign choroidal nevi and melanoma should be established early. Learn about the risk factors, identification, screening, and treatment.