Sarah Nowicki, OD
Dr. Sarah Nowicki is an optometrist practicing in northern Delaware. She is a 2016 graduate of the Pennsylvania College of Optometry at Salus University, where she also completed her residency in Primary Care/Ocular Disease. She sees a wide variety of patients in a busy OD/MD practice. Her clinical interests include ocular manifestations or systemic diseases, especially cranial nerve palsies. Outside of the exam lame she enjoys cooking, working out, and enjoying the outdoors.
What to Do When Your Optometry Patient Has Amblyopia: Downloadable Flowchart
As an OD, you'll undoubtedly encounter amblyopia, particularly in your pediatric patients. Here's a flowchart on treatment options for this diagnosis!
What Every Optometrist Should Know About CN VI Palsy
A chief complaint of double vision can be daunting to even the most experienced optometrist. Cranial nerve VI palsy is one of many common etiologies, and this is what ODs should know.