Peter J Polack, MD, FACS

Peter J Polack, MD, FACS

Peter J Polack MD FACS is a cornea, refractive surgery and external diseases specialist at Ocala Eye, a large multi-subspecialty practice in north central Florida and founder of Emedikon Marketing Systems. He has written and podcasted on EMR and technology in healthcare and is also co-author of The Ultimate Ophthalmic Marketing Guide.


The 7 Key Strategies of Ophthalmology Marketing
The 7 Key Strategies of Ophthalmology Marketing

Is your ophthalmology marketing accountable? Dr. Peter Polack walks you through his 7 strategies for successful ophthalmic marketing.

June 4, 2020
The Importance of Your Ophthalmology Marketing Plan During a Crisis
The Importance of Your Ophthalmology Marketing Plan During a Crisis

Marketing your ophthalmology practice can be tough in the best of times, but when it comes to marketing in a crisis, you've got to revisit your strategy. Here's how to do it.

May 8, 2020