Nicole Bajic, MD

Nicole Bajic, MD

Nicole Bajic, MD, is an ophthalmologist at Cole Eye Institute, Cleveland Clinic.


A Review of Ab Interno MIGS Techniques
A Review of Ab Interno MIGS Techniques

Learn how ophthalmologists can benefit from using the ab interno approach when performing microinvasive glaucoma surgery (MIGS).

April 20, 2023
Extended Depth-of-Field Lenses: A Game-Changing IOL
Ophthalmic Lenses
Extended Depth-of-Field Lenses: A Game-Changing IOL

Gain insight into the latest extended depth-of-focus lenses, including patient selection, current availability, and tips for surgical success.

September 6, 2022
My Top 5 Clinical Pearls for Femtosecond Laser Cataract Surgery
Clinical Guides
My Top 5 Clinical Pearls for Femtosecond Laser Cataract Surgery

Femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery is a fantastic tool to have in your armamentarium. Collect these clinical pearls to enhance your technique and set yourself up for surgical success.

June 14, 2022