Kimberly Chan, OD
Dr. Kimberly Chan is a Canadian optometrist practicing in Toronto, Ontario. She graduated from New England College of Optometry in 2012. She wants to share her passion of optometry with others, continue to inspire and mentor those that are pursuing this career path and help build the community of support among health professionals. Feel free to visit and her Instagram @DrKimberlyChan profile to learn more about her and her practice.
The 4-Step Guide to OHIP Billing For Ontario Optometrists
This article will walk you through OHIP billing, the process by which optometrists in Ontario bill and claim their services.
The Easy Guide To Ontario Optometry Exam Fees
As an OD moving to Canada, you might find yourself confused by Ontario optometry exam fees. Here's a simple guide on how to navigate them!
5 Things You Need to Practice Optometry in Canada
As a new graduate, are you planning to practice optometry in Canada? Here are some costs and logistics to navigate as you get started!
6 Important Tips About Ontario Optometry Opportunities
Ontario optometry opportunities are booming! But as an American-trained optometrist moving north, things might seem a bit unfamiliar at first.