Kathleen Jee, MD

Kathleen Jee, MD

Kathleen Jee, MD, graduated summa cum laude from the University of Maryland with a bachelor’s degree in bioengineering. While obtaining her medical degree at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, she found herself innately drawn to ophthalmology and the profound manner in which patients’ quality of life can be improved. She completed her ophthalmology residency at the Wilmer Eye Institute at Johns Hopkins University, widely recognized as one of the top programs in the country.


SMILE Revolution: A Perspective on Advancing Eyecare
SMILE Revolution: A Perspective on Advancing Eyecare

Jeffrey Augustine, OD; Lamont  Bunyon, OD; and Kathleen Jee, MD weigh in on SMILE, why it can be an exceptional choice for patients, and the importance of collaborative care.

February 27, 2024