Jonathan F. Russell, MD, PhD

Jonathan F. Russell, MD, PhD

Dr. Russell is a vitreoretinal surgeon at the University of Iowa as well as an assistant professor of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences.


Gene Therapy 101 for Ophthalmology Residents
Gene Therapy 101 for Ophthalmology Residents

Discover how ophthalmologists can use gene therapy to treat inherited retinal disease. Also, check out the video on how to administer Luxturna surgically.

January 26, 2023
5 Pediatric Retina Surgery Pearls You Should Know
5 Pediatric Retina Surgery Pearls You Should Know

Pediatric retinal disease encompasses a variety of diverse and rare diseases that non-pediatric ophthalmologists seldom encounter. Follow these five pearls for success in pediatric vitreoretinal surgery.

September 21, 2022