Joanna Carter, OD
I am a VT optometrist (VTOD) who diagnoses and treats vision-related learning problems, strabismus / amblyopia, and vision difficulties associated with neurological trauma (concussion / stroke). In 2016, I opened my VT-only practice, InSight Vision Therapy. In 2017, I started the group VTODs on FB, which provides education, support and clinical advice to optometrists and vision therapists worldwide.
Adding Vision Therapy to Your Optometry Practice
Dr. Joanna Carter walks you through the ins-and-outs of adding a vision therapy specialty to your optometry practice, complete with pictures and anecdotes!
A “New” Look at Amblyopia Therapy
Amblyopia is a complex condition, but treating it doesn't have to be. Here are some common options for amblyopia therapy in your optometry patients.
Managing an Insurance-Free Optometry Practice
After a year in business, my optometry office is Insurance-Free. It’s like caffeine-free: there’s still a little bit, but not much. Here's how!
Top 5 Optometric Treatments for Traumatic Brain Injury
TBI is a serious concern for patients of all ages, but optometric treatments for traumatic brain injury can allow your patients to return to work or school.
Visual Symptoms of Traumatic Brain Injury
With a traumatic brain injury symptoms can range from blurred vision to vertigo and more. Here's how to recognize these visual symptoms in your patients!