Irina Yakubin, OD
Irina Yakubin, OD, is a primary care and low vision optometrist currently practicing in Los Angeles, California. She graduated from the InterAmerican University of Puerto Rico in 2020. Her areas of interest include dry eye, ocular disease, and contact lenses. In addition to seeing patients and writing, she also co-produces My Vision Show.
Artificial Intelligence for Optometrists: A Breakdown of Terms
Familiarize yourself with commonly used terms relating to artificial intelligence (AI) in eyecare and what optometrists should know about AI.
The Role of the Metaverse in the Future of Optometry
Understand how developments in artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and the metaverse could impact the future of optometry.
Educating Patients on Sunglasses and Ocular Health
Learn why you should make it a point to educate your patients about sun protection and tips for doing so during their time in your office.
The Optometrist's Guide to Color and Costume Contacts
By educating patients on contact lens safety, eyecare providers can make color and costume contacts safer for their patients. Here is what you need to know about these widely sold contacts.
Out of Office Eyecare: At-Home Ocular Disease Monitoring
Read about the latest at-home monitoring devices for patients. Each can offer additional information to help guide treatment decisions, prevent further vision loss, and ultimately lead to better patient outcomes.
Dark Adaptation and Other New Breakthroughs in AMD Diagnosis
Recent research has shown that we may be able to identify AMD-affected individuals even earlier by testing for impaired dark adaptation. Learn how this discovery can translate to early detection and intervention of age-related macular degeneration.
A Deeper Exploration of Off-Label AREDS2 Supplementation
New results show promise that AREDS2 may be an effective treatment in IMT2 in addition to age-related macular degeneration. Here's what you need to know about the off-label uses of AREDS2.
Here's the Easiest Way to Test for an Afferent Pupillary Defect
Relative afferent pupillary defect testing focuses on the afferent light pathway and can play an integral part of clinical testing. Here are two effective testing techniques.
The Optometrist's Guide to One Door vs Two Door Laws in the US
If you're considering working for a corporation or subleasing an office, make sure you know whether you'll be working in a one-door or a two-door state. These laws regulate the separation—or lack thereof—between your office space and the adjacent store.
Interferon Treatment for Hepatitis C and the Role of Optometrists
In addition to ocular problems associated with hepatitis C, we should also be concerned with the side effects of treatment. What can you, as an optometrist, do to better treat your patients systemically?
5 Tips for Explaining Ocular Disease to Your Patients
Explaining ocular disease to your patients can be difficult. Here are 5 things to keep in mind when educating patients.