Elena Lien

Elena Lien

Elena is Eyes On Eyecare's Associate Director of Marketing Operations and has more than seven years of experience building effective B2B campaigns for international trade shows and SaaS organizations. She spent more than three years at the nation's leading B2B event marketing agency, where she consulted on and developed messaging and attendee acquisition strategies for large healthcare trade shows, including Vision Expo, BIO, The MedTech Conference, and AHIP Institute & Expo.


Why Healthcare Organizations Are Taking Their Advisory Boards Online
Optometry Industry Info
Why Healthcare Organizations Are Taking Their Advisory Boards Online

Virtual advisory boards offer a variety of benefits for healthcare organizations, from tapping into new audiences to cutting travel costs. Here's what you need to know about taking your next advisory board online!

June 16, 2020
How to Host a Successful Virtual Conference in Eyecare
Optometry Industry Info
How to Host a Successful Virtual Conference in Eyecare

Planning a virtual event? Read our guide to hosting a successful virtual conference or trade show in the eyecare industry!

April 13, 2020