Carissa Dunphy, ABOC

Carissa Dunphy, ABOC

Carissa Dunphy is an ABO Certified optician who has been working in eyecare since 2008. She is a Marketing Specialist at PECAA, authors the Real Deal column in INVISION Magazine, serves on the Digital Marketing Committee, and is a Vice-Chair on the Communications & Website Committee for the Optical Women’s Association.


The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Abbe Value
Ophthalmic Lenses
The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Abbe Value

When selecting a frame, choosing the optimal lens requires understanding key points like Abbe value, index of refraction, and patient costs.

January 11, 2023
How to Sell Better Vision with Higher Quality Lenses
Practice Management
How to Sell Better Vision with Higher Quality Lenses

Discover how to optimize your practice's approach to connecting with patients and selling high-quality lenses.

November 17, 2022
Factors to Consider When Choosing a Profitable Frame Line
Factors to Consider When Choosing a Profitable Frame Line

Discover the variety of ways you can save on the cost of frame expenses and maximize your profit margin.

September 20, 2022