Bruce Colton, OD

Bruce Colton, OD

Bruce Colton, O.D. earned his degrees from BYU and UHCO, where he taught Microbiology and did stem cell research with the NIH to help cure macular degeneration. He opened Bright Eyes Vision Clinic near Dallas, TX in 2017, which he now manages as a multi-doctor practice. He loves treating special needs children, home-bound seniors, and performing minor surgeries. He has done years of humanitarian work in Argentina, China, and Guatemala. In his free time, Dr. Colton plays with his four small children, sponsors people in addiction recovery, and takes his wife on romantic dates


Here’s the Washout Period for Each Glaucoma Medication
Here’s the Washout Period for Each Glaucoma Medication

For your convenience and patient education, we've compiled the washout periods for a range of glaucoma medications.

June 2, 2021
How to Use S-Codes and CPT Codes in the Same Optometry Practice
Billing & Coding
How to Use S-Codes and CPT Codes in the Same Optometry Practice

We know—billing and coding can be one of the most frustrating aspects of practicing optometry. Here, we're laying out the difference between S-codes and CPT codes, some common mistakes, and what to look out for when billing.

June 15, 2020
How Coronavirus is Affecting Optometry Practices
How Coronavirus is Affecting Optometry Practices

Optometry practices have experienced major changes during the last two months of the pandemic. Here's why one OD stayed open—and what that meant for his practice and patients.

May 12, 2020
How to Supercharge Your Frame Board Profitability
Practice Management
How to Supercharge Your Frame Board Profitability

We all want to see our business' profits grow, but increasing frame board costs can hurt our patients and ultimately become a larger problem. Thankfully, there are other options that can help make your optical profitable!

August 9, 2019
Optometry Office Construction Fraud: 4 Rules to Prevent Your Worst Nightmare
Practice Management
Optometry Office Construction Fraud: 4 Rules to Prevent Your Worst Nightmare

Office construction fraud can happen to you during ANY construction — first office, second office, location change, or a remodel.

May 30, 2018
How to Make Money as an Expert Witness
Practice Management
How to Make Money as an Expert Witness

There are ways ODs can earn extra income as an expert witness. Here's the ultimate guide to finding and securing opportunities as an expert witness.

February 22, 2017
Here Is How To Diagnose and Treat Binocular Vision Conditions In 5 Minutes
Clinical Guides
Here Is How To Diagnose and Treat Binocular Vision Conditions In 5 Minutes

Here is what you need to know to diagnose and treat binocular vision conditions that can be causing your patients very common problems.

May 2, 2016