Amrita Kaur, OD
Dr. Amrita Kaur is an optometrist practicing in Pittsburgh, PA. She is a 2016 graduate of the Pennsylvania College of Optometry at Salus University. In the exam room she enjoys a challenging neuro or posterior segment case, pediatric exams, and getting to know her patients. Outside of the exam room, she enjoys drawing, playing tennis, and a good cup of tea!
How to Diagnose Vision Loss—with Downloadable Flowchart
Use this guide—with a comprehensive downloadable flowchart—to improve your confidence in managing cases of both bilateral and monocular vision loss.
How To Diagnose Red Eye - with Downloadable Flowchart
Streamline the clinical-thinking process for assessing red eye. Use this guide, with a comprehensive downloadable flowchart, to learn the latest on diagnosing hyperemia.
How To Diagnose Anisocoria—with Downloadable Flowchart!
Streamline the clinical-thinking process for assessing abnormal pupillary function. Use this guide, with a comprehensive downloadable flowchart, to learn the latest on diagnosing anisocoria.
How To Diagnose Double Vision - with Downloadable Flowchart!
Get ready to tackle any double vision cases that walk into your exam room. Use this guide, with a comprehensive downloadable flowchart, to learn the latest on diagnosing diplopia.
Vertex Distance Conversion: Downloadable Cheat Sheet
ODs would be in the office all night if we had to manually transpose the prescription for every contact lens patient we see, so we've created a cheat sheet of pre-converted values for easy reference!
Horner's Syndrome: What Optometrists Should Know
Remember the rhyming triad you learned in optometry school? Here are some in-depth tips on how to properly identify and manage a patient with Horner’s Syndrome if they end up in your chair.
How to Prepare for the NBEO Part III Clinical Skills Examination
Those late nights of studying and those grueling hours of practicing in the clinical lab have led you to this: the NBEO Part III Clinical Skills Examination. You're ready—but who couldn't use a few more tips?
An Overview of Migraine Management for Optometrists
Your patient has come in complaining of flashes of light and zigzag patterns followed by loss of vision. There are plenty of differential diagnosis possibilities—including migraine.
Getting Reacquainted with Ocular Toxoplasmosis
Do you vaguely remember learning about ocular toxoplasmosis in optometry school, but can't quite recall the details? This article has everything you need to re-familiarize yourself with T. gondii.
What You Need To Know About Thyroid Eye Disease
With millions of Americans suffering from thyroid disease in the United States, odds are you have seen a patient with thyroid issues in your office.